Source code for task

import warnings
from typing import Optional, Dict, List, Type, Any

import pytorch_lightning as pl
import torch
from torch import nn as nn
from torchmetrics import Metric

from schnetpack.model.base import AtomisticModel

__all__ = ["ModelOutput", "AtomisticTask"]

[docs]class ModelOutput(nn.Module): """ Defines an output of a model, including mappings to a loss function and weight for training and metrics to be logged. """ def __init__( self, name: str, loss_fn: Optional[nn.Module] = None, loss_weight: float = 1.0, metrics: Optional[Dict[str, Metric]] = None, constraints: Optional[List[torch.nn.Module]] = None, target_property: Optional[str] = None, ): """ Args: name: name of output in results dict target_property: Name of target in training batch. Only required for supervised training. If not given, the output name is assumed to also be the target name. loss_fn: function to compute the loss loss_weight: loss weight in the composite loss: $l = w_1 l_1 + \dots + w_n l_n$ metrics: dictionary of metrics with names as keys constraints: constraint class for specifying the usage of model output in the loss function and logged metrics, while not changing the model output itself. Essentially, constraints represent postprocessing transforms that do not affect the model output but only change the loss value. For example, constraints can be used to neglect or weight some atomic forces in the loss function. This may be useful when training on systems, where only some forces are crucial for its dynamics. """ super().__init__() = name self.target_property = target_property or name self.loss_fn = loss_fn self.loss_weight = loss_weight self.train_metrics = nn.ModuleDict(metrics) self.val_metrics = nn.ModuleDict({k: v.clone() for k, v in metrics.items()}) self.test_metrics = nn.ModuleDict({k: v.clone() for k, v in metrics.items()}) self.metrics = { "train": self.train_metrics, "val": self.val_metrics, "test": self.test_metrics, } self.constraints = constraints or [] def calculate_loss(self, pred, target): if self.loss_weight == 0 or self.loss_fn is None: return 0.0 loss = self.loss_weight * self.loss_fn( pred[], target[self.target_property] ) return loss def update_metrics(self, pred, target, subset): for metric in self.metrics[subset].values(): metric(pred[], target[self.target_property])
[docs]class UnsupervisedModelOutput(ModelOutput): """ Defines an unsupervised output of a model, i.e. an unsupervised loss or a regularizer that do not depend on label data. It includes mappings to the loss function, a weight for training and metrics to be logged. """ def calculate_loss(self, pred, target=None): if self.loss_weight == 0 or self.loss_fn is None: return 0.0 loss = self.loss_weight * self.loss_fn(pred[]) return loss def update_metrics(self, pred, target, subset): for metric in self.metrics[subset].values(): metric(pred[])
[docs]class AtomisticTask(pl.LightningModule): """ The basic learning task in SchNetPack, which ties model, loss and optimizer together. """ def __init__( self, model: AtomisticModel, outputs: List[ModelOutput], optimizer_cls: Type[torch.optim.Optimizer] = torch.optim.Adam, optimizer_args: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, scheduler_cls: Optional[Type] = None, scheduler_args: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, scheduler_monitor: Optional[str] = None, warmup_steps: int = 0, ): """ Args: model: the neural network model outputs: list of outputs an optional loss functions optimizer_cls: type of torch optimizer,e.g. torch.optim.Adam optimizer_args: dict of optimizer keyword arguments scheduler_cls: type of torch learning rate scheduler scheduler_args: dict of scheduler keyword arguments scheduler_monitor: name of metric to be observed for ReduceLROnPlateau warmup_steps: number of steps used to increase the learning rate from zero linearly to the target learning rate at the beginning of training """ super().__init__() self.model = model self.optimizer_cls = optimizer_cls self.optimizer_kwargs = optimizer_args self.scheduler_cls = scheduler_cls self.scheduler_kwargs = scheduler_args self.schedule_monitor = scheduler_monitor self.outputs = nn.ModuleList(outputs) self.grad_enabled = len(self.model.required_derivatives) > 0 = optimizer_args["lr"] self.warmup_steps = warmup_steps self.save_hyperparameters() def setup(self, stage=None): if stage == "fit": self.model.initialize_transforms(self.trainer.datamodule) def forward(self, inputs: Dict[str, torch.Tensor]): results = self.model(inputs) return results def loss_fn(self, pred, batch): loss = 0.0 for output in self.outputs: loss += output.calculate_loss(pred, batch) return loss def log_metrics(self, pred, targets, subset): for output in self.outputs: output.update_metrics(pred, targets, subset) for metric_name, metric in output.metrics[subset].items(): self.log( f"{subset}_{}_{metric_name}", metric, on_step=(subset == "train"), on_epoch=(subset != "train"), prog_bar=False, ) def apply_constraints(self, pred, targets): for output in self.outputs: for constraint in output.constraints: pred, targets = constraint(pred, targets, output) return pred, targets def training_step(self, batch, batch_idx): targets = { output.target_property: batch[output.target_property] for output in self.outputs if not isinstance(output, UnsupervisedModelOutput) } try: targets["considered_atoms"] = batch["considered_atoms"] except: pass pred = self.predict_without_postprocessing(batch) pred, targets = self.apply_constraints(pred, targets) loss = self.loss_fn(pred, targets) self.log("train_loss", loss, on_step=True, on_epoch=False, prog_bar=False) self.log_metrics(pred, targets, "train") return loss def validation_step(self, batch, batch_idx): torch.set_grad_enabled(self.grad_enabled) targets = { output.target_property: batch[output.target_property] for output in self.outputs if not isinstance(output, UnsupervisedModelOutput) } try: targets["considered_atoms"] = batch["considered_atoms"] except: pass pred = self.predict_without_postprocessing(batch) pred, targets = self.apply_constraints(pred, targets) loss = self.loss_fn(pred, targets) self.log("val_loss", loss, on_step=False, on_epoch=True, prog_bar=True, batch_size=len(batch['_idx'])) self.log_metrics(pred, targets, "val") return {"val_loss": loss} def test_step(self, batch, batch_idx): torch.set_grad_enabled(self.grad_enabled) targets = { output.target_property: batch[output.target_property] for output in self.outputs if not isinstance(output, UnsupervisedModelOutput) } try: targets["considered_atoms"] = batch["considered_atoms"] except: pass pred = self.predict_without_postprocessing(batch) pred, targets = self.apply_constraints(pred, targets) loss = self.loss_fn(pred, targets) self.log("test_loss", loss, on_step=False, on_epoch=True, prog_bar=True, batch_size=len(batch['_idx'])) self.log_metrics(pred, targets, "test") return {"test_loss": loss} def predict_without_postprocessing(self, batch): pp = self.model.do_postprocessing self.model.do_postprocessing = False pred = self(batch) self.model.do_postprocessing = pp return pred def configure_optimizers(self): optimizer = self.optimizer_cls( params=self.parameters(), **self.optimizer_kwargs ) if self.scheduler_cls: schedulers = [] schedule = self.scheduler_cls(optimizer=optimizer, **self.scheduler_kwargs) optimconf = {"scheduler": schedule, "name": "lr_schedule"} if self.schedule_monitor: optimconf["monitor"] = self.schedule_monitor # incase model is validated before epoch end (not recommended use of val_check_interval) if self.trainer.val_check_interval < 1.0: warnings.warn( "Learning rate is scheduled after epoch end. To enable scheduling before epoch end, " "please specify val_check_interval by the number of training epochs after which the " "model is validated." ) # incase model is validated before epoch end (recommended use of val_check_interval) if self.trainer.val_check_interval > 1.0: optimconf["interval"] = "step" optimconf["frequency"] = self.trainer.val_check_interval schedulers.append(optimconf) return [optimizer], schedulers else: return optimizer def optimizer_step( self, epoch: int = None, batch_idx: int = None, optimizer=None, optimizer_closure=None, ): if self.global_step < self.warmup_steps: lr_scale = min(1.0, float(self.trainer.global_step + 1) / self.warmup_steps) for pg in optimizer.param_groups: pg["lr"] = lr_scale * # update params optimizer.step(closure=optimizer_closure) def save_model(self, path: str, do_postprocessing: Optional[bool] = None): if self.global_rank == 0: pp_status = self.model.do_postprocessing if do_postprocessing is not None: self.model.do_postprocessing = do_postprocessing, path) self.model.do_postprocessing = pp_status
class ConsiderOnlySelectedAtoms(nn.Module): """ Constraint that allows to neglect some atomic targets (e.g. forces of some specified atoms) for model optimization, while not affecting the actual model output. The indices of the atoms, which targets to consider in the loss function, must be provided in the dataset for each sample in form of a torch tensor of type boolean (True: considered, False: neglected). """ def __init__(self, selection_name): """ Args: selection_name: string associated with the list of considered atoms in the dataset """ super().__init__() self.selection_name = selection_name def forward(self, pred, targets, output_module): """ A torch tensor is loaded from the dataset, which specifies the considered atoms. Only the predictions of those atoms are considered for training, validation, and testing. :param pred: python dictionary containing model outputs :param targets: python dictionary containing targets :param output_module: torch.nn.Module class of a particular property (e.g. forces) :return: model outputs and targets of considered atoms only """ considered_atoms = targets[self.selection_name].nonzero()[:, 0] # drop neglected atoms pred[] = pred[][considered_atoms] targets[output_module.target_property] = targets[output_module.target_property][ considered_atoms ] return pred, targets