
SchNetPack is built so that it can be used from the command line and configured with config files as well as used as a Python library. In this section, we will explain the overall structure of SchNetPack, which will be helpful for both these use cases. SchNetPack is based on PyTorch and uses PyTorchLightning as a training framework. This heavily influences the structure described here. Additionally, Hydra is used to configure SchNetPack for command-line usage, which will be described in the next chapter.


SchNetPack currently supports data sets stored in ASE format using ASEAtomsData, but other formats can be added by implementing BaseAtomsData. These classes are compatible with PyTorch dataloaders and provide an additional interface to store metadata, e.g. property units and single-atom reference values.

An important aspect are the transforms that can be passed to the data classes. Those are PyTorch modules that perform preprocessing task on the data before batching. Typically, this is performed on the CPU as part of the multi-processing of PyTorch dataloaders. Important preprocessing :class:`Transform`s include removing of offsets from target properties and calculation of neighbor lists.

Furthermore, we support PyTorch Lightning datamodules through AtomsDataModule, which combines ASEAtomsData with code for preparation, setup and partitioning into train/validation/test splits. We provide specific implementations of AtomsDataModule for several benchmark datasets.


A core component of SchNetPack is the AtomisticModel, which is the base class for all models implemented in SchNetPack. It is essentially a PyTorch module with some additional functionality for specific to atomistic machine learning.

The particular features and requirements are:

  • Input dictionary:

    To support a flexible interface, each model is supposed to take an input dictionary mapping strings to PyTorch tensors and returns a modified dictionary as output.

  • Automatic collection of required dervatives:

    Each layer that requires derivatives w.r.t to some input, should list them as strings in layer.required_derivatives = [“input_key”]. The requires_grad of the input tensor is then set automatically.

  • Post-processing:

    The atomistic model can take a list of non-trainable :class:`Transform`s that are used to post-process the output dictionary. These are not applied during training. A common use case are energy values that a large offsets and require double precision. To be able to still run a single precision model on GPU, one can substract the offset from the reference data during a preprocessing stage and then add it to the model prediction in post-processing after casting to double.

While AtomisticModel is a fairly general class, the models provided in SchNetPack follow a structure defined in the subclass NeuralNetworkPotential:

  1. Input modules:: the input dictionary is sequentially passed to a list of PyTorch modules that return a modified dictionary

  2. Representation:: the input dictionary is passed to a representation module that computes atomwise representation, e.g. SchNet or PaiNN. The representation is added to the dictionary

  3. Output modules:: the dictionary is sequentially passed to a list of PyTorch modules that store the outputs in the dictionary

Adhering to the structure of NeuralNetworkPotential makes it easier to define config templates with Hydra and it is therefore recommended to subclass it wherever possible.


The AtomisticTask ties the model, outputs, loss and optimizers together and defines how the neural network will be trained. While the model is a vanilla PyTorch module, the task is a LightningModule that can be directly passed to the PyTorch Lightning Trainer.

To define an AtomisticTask, you need to provide:

  • a model as described above

  • a list of ModelOutput which map output dictionary keys to target properties and assigns a loss function and other metrics

  • (optionally) optimizer and learning rate schedulers