Source code for md.utils.thermostat_utils

import torch
import numpy as np
import schnetpack.units as spk_units

from typing import Optional

__all__ = ["YSWeights", "load_gle_matrices", "StableSinhDiv"]

[docs]class YSWeights: """ Weights for Yoshida-Suzuki integration used in propagating the Nose-Hoover chain thermostats. Args: device (str): Device used for computation (default='cuda'). """ YS_weights = { 3: torch.tensor( [1.35120719195966, -1.70241438391932, 1.35120719195966], dtype=torch.float64 ), 5: torch.tensor( [ 0.41449077179438, 0.41449077179438, -0.65796308717750, 0.41449077179438, 0.41449077179438, ], dtype=torch.float64, ), 7: torch.tensor( [ 0.78451361047756, 0.23557321335936, -1.17767998417887, 1.31518632068390, -1.17767998417887, 0.23557321335936, 0.78451361047756, ], dtype=torch.float64, ), } def get_weights(self, order): """ Get the weights required for an integration scheme of the desired order. Args: order (int): Desired order of the integration scheme. Returns: torch.tensor: Tensor of the integration weights """ if order not in self.YS_weights: raise ValueError( "Order {:d} not supported for YS integration weights".format(order) ) else: return self.YS_weights[order]
[docs]class GLEMatrixParser: """ General parser for GLE thermostat files. Reads from start string until end of file or a given stop string. If the argument split is specified, the read matrices are split at the given token. Automatically recognizes used units and converts them to atomic units. Args: start (str): Token when to start reading. stop (str): Token when to stop reading. If None (default) reads until eno of file. split (str): If the given token is encountered, matrices are split at this point. If None (default), no split is performed. """ # Automatically recognized format and converts to units unit_conversions = { "atomic time units^-1": 1.0 / spk_units.unit2internal("aut"), "seconds^-1": 1.0 / spk_units.unit2internal("s"), "femtoseconds^-1": 1.0 / spk_units.unit2internal("fs"), "picoseconds^-1": 1e-3 / spk_units.unit2internal("fs"), "eV": spk_units.unit2internal("eV"), "atomic energy units": spk_units.unit2internal("Ha"), "K": spk_units.kB, } def __init__(self, start, stop=None, split=None): self.start = start self.stop = stop self.split = split = False self.units = None self._matrix = [] self._tmp_matrix = [] def read_line(self, line: str): """ Read and parse a line obtained from an open file object containing GLE parameters. Args: line (str): Line of a GLE parameter file. """ line = line.strip() # Filter for empty lines if line: # Check if start token is present if self.start in line: = True # Get units used unit_name = line.split("(")[-1].replace(")", "") self.units = self.unit_conversions[unit_name] elif if line.startswith("#"): # Check for stop and split tokens if self.stop is not None and self.stop in line: = False if self.split is not None and self.split in line: if len(self._tmp_matrix) > 0: self._matrix.append(self._tmp_matrix) self._tmp_matrix = [] else: # Otherwise read and parse line self._tmp_matrix.append([float(x) for x in line.split()]) @property def matrix(self): """ Property to get parsed matrices converted to numpy arrays using atomic units. Returns: numpy.array: Array of the parsed GLE matrix with the shape normal_modes x s+1 x s+1, where normal_modes is 1 except in the case of the PIGLET thermostat and s is the number of degrees of freedom added via GLE. If no matrix is found, None is returned. """ # Write out last buffer if len(self._tmp_matrix) > 0: self._matrix.append(self._tmp_matrix) # Convert to numpy array _matrix = np.array(self._matrix) # Perform unit conversion if self.units is not None: return _matrix * self.units else: return None
[docs]def load_gle_matrices(filename: str): """ Load GLE thermostat files formatted in raw format as generated via The generated matrices are torch tensors of the shape normal_modes x s+1 x s+1, where normal_modes is 1 except in the case of the PIGLET thermostat and s is the number of degrees of freedom added via GLE. Automatically recognizes used units and converts them to atomic units. Args: filename (str): Path to the file the GLE thermostat parameters should be loaded from. Returns: tuple: Tuple of two square torch tensors containing the a_matrix and c_matrix parameters required to initialize GLE type thermostats. """ a_matrix = GLEMatrixParser( "A MATRIX:", stop="C MATRIX:", split="Matrix for normal mode" ) c_matrix = GLEMatrixParser("C MATRIX:", split="Matrix for normal mode") try: with open(filename) as glefile: for line in glefile: a_matrix.read_line(line) c_matrix.read_line(line) except FileNotFoundError: raise FileNotFoundError( "Could not open {:s} for reading. Please use GLE parameter files " "generated via".format(filename) ) return a_matrix.matrix, c_matrix.matrix
[docs]class StableSinhDiv: """ McLaurin series of sinh(x)/x around zero to avoid numerical instabilities """ def __init__(self, eps: Optional[float] = 1e-4): self.e0 = 1.0 self.e2 = self.e0 / 6.0 self.e4 = self.e2 / 20.0 self.e6 = self.e4 / 42.0 self.e8 = self.e6 / 72.0 self.eps = eps def f(self, x: torch.tensor): x2 = x * x sinh_div = torch.where( x < self.eps, (((self.e8 * x2 + self.e6) * x2 + self.e4) * x + self.e2) * x2 + self.e0, torch.sinh(x) / x, ) return sinh_div