Source code for md.simulation_hooks.thermostats

This module contains various thermostats for regulating the temperature of the system during
molecular dynamics simulations.

from __future__ import annotations
import torch
import numpy as np
import scipy.linalg as linalg
from typing import Optional, Tuple, TYPE_CHECKING
import logging

    from import Simulator, System

from schnetpack import units as spk_units
from import SimulationHook

from import YSWeights, load_gle_matrices

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

__all__ = [

class ThermostatError(Exception):
    Exception for thermostat class.


[docs]class ThermostatHook(SimulationHook): """ Basic thermostat hook for simulator class. This class is initialized based on the simulator and system specifications during the first MD step. Thermostats are applied before and after each MD step. Args: temperature_bath (float): Temperature of the heat bath in Kelvin. time_constant (float): Thermostat time constant in fs. """ ring_polymer = False def __init__(self, temperature_bath: float, time_constant: float): super(ThermostatHook, self).__init__() self.register_buffer("temperature_bath", torch.tensor(temperature_bath)) # Convert from fs to internal time units self.register_buffer( "time_constant", torch.tensor(time_constant * spk_units.fs) ) self.register_buffer("_initialized", torch.tensor(False)) @property def initialized(self): """ Auxiliary property for easy access to initialized flag used for restarts """ return self._initialized.item() @initialized.setter def initialized(self, flag): """ Make sure initialized is set to torch.tensor for storage in state_dict. """ self._initialized = torch.tensor(flag) def on_simulation_start(self, simulator: Simulator): """ Routine to initialize the thermostat based on the current state of the simulator. Reads the device to be used. In addition, a flag is set so that the thermostat is not reinitialized upon continuation of the MD. Main function is the `_init_thermostat` routine, which takes the simulator as input and must be provided for every new thermostat. Args: simulator (schnetpack.simulation_hooks.simulator.Simulator): Main simulator class containing information on the time step, system, etc. """ if not self.initialized: self._init_thermostat(simulator) self.initialized = True # Move everything to proper device def on_step_begin(self, simulator: Simulator): """ First application of the thermostat before the first half step of the dynamics. Regulates temperature. Main function is the `_apply_thermostat` routine, which takes the simulator as input and must be provided for every new thermostat. Args: simulator (schnetpack.simulator.Simulator): Main simulator class containing information on the time step, system, etc. """ # Apply thermostat self._apply_thermostat(simulator) def on_step_end(self, simulator: Simulator): """ Application of the thermostat after the second half step of the dynamics. Regulates temperature. Main function is the `_apply_thermostat` routine, which takes the simulator as input and must be provided for every new thermostat. Args: simulator (schnetpack.simulator.Simulator): Main simulator class containing information on the time step, system, etc. """ # Apply thermostat self._apply_thermostat(simulator) def _init_thermostat(self, simulator: Simulator): """ Dummy routine for initializing a thermostat based on the current simulator. Should be implemented for every new thermostat. Has access to the information contained in the simulator class, e.g. number of replicas, time step, masses of the atoms, etc. Args: simulator (schnetpack.simulator.Simulator): Main simulator class containing information on the time step, system, etc. """ pass def _apply_thermostat(self, simulator: Simulator): """ Dummy routine for applying the thermostat to the system. Should use the implemented thermostat to update the momenta of the system contained in `simulator.system.momenta`. Is called twice each simulation time step. Args: simulator (schnetpack.simulator.Simulator): Main simulator class containing information on the time step, system, etc. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs]class BerendsenThermostat(ThermostatHook): """ Berendsen velocity rescaling thermostat, as described in [#berendsen1]_. Simple thermostat for e.g. equilibrating the system, does not sample the canonical ensemble. Args: temperature_bath (float): Temperature of the external heat bath in Kelvin. time_constant (float): Thermostat time constant in fs References ---------- .. [#berendsen1] Berendsen, Postma, van Gunsteren, DiNola, Haak: Molecular dynamics with coupling to an external bath. The Journal of Chemical Physics, 81 (8), 3684-3690. 1984. """ ring_polymer = False def __init__(self, temperature_bath: float, time_constant: float): super(BerendsenThermostat, self).__init__( temperature_bath=temperature_bath, time_constant=time_constant ) def _apply_thermostat(self, simulator): """ Apply the Berendsen thermostat via rescaling the systems momenta based on the current instantaneous temperature and the bath temperature. Args: simulator (schnetpack.simulator.Simulator): Main simulator class containing information on the time step, system, etc. """ scaling = torch.sqrt( 1.0 + simulator.integrator.time_step / self.time_constant * (self.temperature_bath / simulator.system.temperature - 1) ) simulator.system.momenta = ( simulator.system.expand_atoms(scaling) * simulator.system.momenta )
[docs]class LangevinThermostat(ThermostatHook): """ Basic stochastic Langevin thermostat, see e.g. [#langevin_thermostat1]_ for more details. Args: temperature_bath (float): Temperature of the external heat bath in Kelvin. time_constant (float): Thermostat time constant in fs References ---------- .. [#langevin_thermostat1] Bussi, Parrinello: Accurate sampling using Langevin dynamics. Physical Review E, 75(5), 056707. 2007. """ ring_polymer = False def __init__(self, temperature_bath: float, time_constant: float): super(LangevinThermostat, self).__init__( temperature_bath=temperature_bath, time_constant=time_constant ) self.register_uninitialized_buffer("thermostat_factor") self.register_uninitialized_buffer("c1") self.register_uninitialized_buffer("c2") def _init_thermostat(self, simulator: Simulator): """ Initialize the Langevin coefficient matrices based on the system and simulator properties. Args: simulator (schnetpack.simulator.Simulator): Main simulator class containing information on the time step, system, etc. """ # Initialize friction coefficients gamma = ( torch.ones(1, device=simulator.device, dtype=simulator.dtype) / self.time_constant ) # Initialize coefficient matrices c1 = torch.exp(-0.5 * simulator.integrator.time_step * gamma) c2 = torch.sqrt(1 - c1**2) self.c1 = c1[:, None, None] self.c2 = c2[:, None, None] # Get mass and temperature factors self.thermostat_factor = torch.sqrt( simulator.system.masses * spk_units.kB * self.temperature_bath ) def _apply_thermostat(self, simulator: Simulator): """ Apply the stochastic Langevin thermostat to the systems momenta. Args: simulator (schnetpack.simulator.Simulator): Main simulator class containing information on the time step, system, etc. """ # Get current momenta momenta = simulator.system.momenta # Generate random noise thermostat_noise = torch.randn_like(momenta) # Apply thermostat simulator.system.momenta = ( self.c1 * momenta + self.thermostat_factor * self.c2 * thermostat_noise )
[docs]class NHCThermostat(ThermostatHook): """ Nose-Hover chain thermostat, which links the system to a chain of deterministic Nose-Hoover thermostats first introduced in [#nhc_thermostat1]_ and described in great detail in [#nhc_thermostat2]_. Advantage of the NHC thermostat is, that it does not apply random perturbations to the system and is hence fully deterministic. However, this comes at an increased numerical cost compared to e.g. the stochastic thermostats described above. Args: temperature_bath (float): Temperature of the external heat bath in Kelvin. time_constant (float): Thermostat time constant in fs chain_length (int): Number of Nose-Hoover thermostats applied in the chain. massive (bool): If set to true, an individual thermostat is applied to each degree of freedom in the system. Can e.g. be used for thermostatting (default=False). multi_step (int): Number of steps used for integrating the NH equations of motion (default=2) integration_order (int): Order of the Yoshida-Suzuki integrator used for propagating the thermostat (default=3). References ---------- .. [#nhc_thermostat1] Tobias, Martyna, Klein: Molecular dynamics simulations of a protein in the canonical ensemble. The Journal of Physical Chemistry, 97(49), 12959-12966. 1993. .. [#nhc_thermostat2] Martyna, Tuckerman, Tobias, Klein: Explicit reversible integrators for extended systems dynamics. Molecular Physics, 87(5), 1117-1157. 1996. """ def __init__( self, temperature_bath: float, time_constant: float, chain_length: Optional[int] = 3, massive: Optional[bool] = False, multi_step: Optional[int] = 2, integration_order: Optional[int] = 3, ): super(NHCThermostat, self).__init__( temperature_bath=temperature_bath, time_constant=time_constant ) self.register_buffer("chain_length", torch.tensor(chain_length)) self.register_buffer("frequency", 1.0 / self.time_constant) self.register_buffer("massive", torch.tensor(massive)) # Cpmpute kBT, since it will be used a lot self.register_buffer("kb_temperature", self.temperature_bath * spk_units.kB) # Propagation parameters self.register_buffer("multi_step", torch.tensor(multi_step)) self.register_buffer("integration_order", torch.tensor(integration_order)) self.register_uninitialized_buffer("time_step") # Find out number of particles (depends on whether massive or not) self.register_uninitialized_buffer("degrees_of_freedom") self.register_uninitialized_buffer("masses") self.register_uninitialized_buffer("velocities") self.register_uninitialized_buffer("positions") self.register_uninitialized_buffer("forces") def _init_thermostat(self, simulator: Simulator): """ Initialize the thermostat positions, forces, velocities and masses, as well as the number of degrees of freedom seen by each chain link. Args: simulator (schnetpack.simulator.Simulator): Main simulator class containing information on the time step, system, etc. """ # Determine integration step via multi step and Yoshida Suzuki weights integration_weights = ( YSWeights() .get_weights(self.integration_order.item()) .to(simulator.device, simulator.dtype) ) self.time_step = ( simulator.integrator.time_step * integration_weights / self.multi_step ) # Determine shape of tensors and internal degrees of freedom n_replicas = simulator.system.n_replicas n_molecules = simulator.system.n_molecules n_atoms_total = simulator.system.total_n_atoms if self.massive: state_dimension = (n_replicas, n_atoms_total, 3, self.chain_length) self.degrees_of_freedom = torch.ones( (n_replicas, n_atoms_total, 3), device=simulator.device, dtype=simulator.dtype, ) else: state_dimension = (n_replicas, n_molecules, 1, self.chain_length) self.degrees_of_freedom = (3 * simulator.system.n_atoms[None, :, None]).to( simulator.dtype ) # Set up masses self._init_masses(state_dimension, simulator) # Set up internal variables self.positions = torch.zeros( state_dimension, device=simulator.device, dtype=simulator.dtype ) self.forces = torch.zeros( state_dimension, device=simulator.device, dtype=simulator.dtype ) self.velocities = torch.zeros( state_dimension, device=simulator.device, dtype=simulator.dtype ) def _init_masses( self, state_dimension: Tuple[int, int, int, int], simulator: Simulator ): """ Auxiliary routine for initializing the thermostat masses. Args: state_dimension (tuple): Size of the thermostat states. This is used to differentiate between the massive and the standard algorithm simulator (schnetpack.simulator.Simulator): Main simulator class containing information on the time step, system, etc. """ self.masses = torch.ones( state_dimension, device=simulator.device, dtype=simulator.dtype ) # Get masses of innermost thermostat self.masses[..., 0] = ( self.degrees_of_freedom * self.kb_temperature / self.frequency**2 ) # Set masses of remaining thermostats self.masses[..., 1:] = self.kb_temperature / self.frequency**2 def _propagate_thermostat(self, kinetic_energy: torch.tensor) -> torch.tensor: """ Propagation step of the NHC thermostat. Please refer to [#nhc_thermostat2]_ for more detail on the algorithm. Args: kinetic_energy (torch.Tensor): Kinetic energy associated with the innermost NH thermostats. Returns: torch.Tensor: Scaling factor applied to the system momenta. References ---------- .. [#nhc_thermostat2] Martyna, Tuckerman, Tobias, Klein: Explicit reversible integrators for extended systems dynamics. Molecular Physics, 87(5), 1117-1157. 1996. """ # Compute forces on first thermostat self.forces[..., 0] = ( kinetic_energy - self.degrees_of_freedom * self.kb_temperature ) / self.masses[..., 0] scaling_factor = 1.0 for _ in range(self.multi_step): for idx_ys in range(self.integration_order): time_step = self.time_step[idx_ys] # Update velocities of outermost bath self.velocities[..., -1] += 0.25 * self.forces[..., -1] * time_step # Update the velocities moving through the beads of the chain for chain in range(self.chain_length - 2, -1, -1): coeff = torch.exp( -0.125 * time_step * self.velocities[..., chain + 1] ) self.velocities[..., chain] = ( self.velocities[..., chain] * coeff**2 + 0.25 * self.forces[..., chain] * coeff * time_step ) # Accumulate velocity scaling scaling_factor *= torch.exp(-0.5 * time_step * self.velocities[..., 0]) # Update forces of innermost thermostat self.forces[..., 0] = ( scaling_factor * scaling_factor * kinetic_energy - self.degrees_of_freedom * self.kb_temperature ) / self.masses[..., 0] # Update thermostat positions # Only required if one is interested in the conserved # quantity of the NHC. # self.positions += 0.5 * self.velocities * time_step # Update the thermostat velocities for chain in range(self.chain_length - 1): coeff = torch.exp( -0.125 * time_step * self.velocities[..., chain + 1] ) self.velocities[..., chain] = ( self.velocities[..., chain] * coeff**2 + 0.25 * self.forces[..., chain] * coeff * time_step ) self.forces[..., chain + 1] = ( self.masses[..., chain] * self.velocities[..., chain] ** 2 - self.kb_temperature ) / self.masses[..., chain + 1] # Update velocities of outermost thermostat self.velocities[..., -1] += 0.25 * self.forces[..., -1] * time_step return scaling_factor def _compute_kinetic_energy(self, system: System): """ Routine for computing the kinetic energy of the innermost NH thermostats based on the momenta and masses of the simulated systems. Args: system ( System object. Returns: torch.Tensor: Kinetic energy associated with the innermost NH thermostats. These are summed over the corresponding degrees of freedom, depending on whether a massive NHC is used. """ if self.massive: # Compute the kinetic energy (factor of 1/2 can be removed, as it # cancels with a times 2) kinetic_energy = system.momenta**2 / system.masses return kinetic_energy else: return 2.0 * system.kinetic_energy def _apply_thermostat(self, simulator: Simulator): """ Propagate the NHC thermostat, compute the corresponding scaling factor and apply it to the momenta of the system. If a normal mode transformer is provided, this is done in the normal model representation of the ring polymer. Args: simulator (schnetpack.simulator.Simulator): Main simulator class containing information on the time step, system, etc. """ # Get kinetic energy (either for massive or normal degrees of freedom) kinetic_energy = self._compute_kinetic_energy(simulator.system) # Accumulate scaling factor scaling_factor = self._propagate_thermostat(kinetic_energy) # Update system momenta if not self.massive: scaling_factor = simulator.system.expand_atoms(scaling_factor) simulator.system.momenta = simulator.system.momenta * scaling_factor
# self.compute_conserved(simulator.system) # TODO: check with logger # def compute_conserved(self, system): # conserved = ( # system.kinetic_energy[..., None, None] # + 0.5 * torch.sum(self.velocities ** 2 * self.masses, 4) # +["energy"][..., None, None] # + self.degrees_of_freedom * self.kb_temperature * self.positions[..., 0] # + self.kb_temperature * torch.sum(self.positions[..., 1:], 4) # ) # return conserved
[docs]class GLEThermostat(ThermostatHook): """ Stochastic generalized Langevin colored noise thermostat by Ceriotti et. al. as described in [#gle_thermostat1]_. This thermostat requires specially parametrized matrices, which can be obtained online from: The additional degrees of freedom added to the system are defined via the matrix dimensions. This could in principle be used for ring polymer dynamics by providing a normal mode transformation. Args: temperature_bath (float): Temperature of the external heat bath in Kelvin. gle_file (str): File containing the GLE matrices free_particle_limit (bool): Initialize momenta according to free particle limit instead of a zero matrix (default=True). References ---------- .. [#gle_thermostat1] Ceriotti, Bussi, Parrinello: Colored-noise thermostats à la carte. Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation 6 (4), 1170-1180. 2010. """ ring_polymer = False def __init__( self, temperature_bath: float, gle_file: str, free_particle_limit: Optional[bool] = True, ): super(GLEThermostat, self).__init__( temperature_bath=temperature_bath, time_constant=0.0 ) self.gle_file = gle_file # To be initialized on beginning of the simulation, once system and # integrator are known self.register_buffer("free_particle_limit", torch.tensor(free_particle_limit)) self.register_uninitialized_buffer("thermostat_factor") self.register_uninitialized_buffer("thermostat_momenta") self.register_uninitialized_buffer("c1") self.register_uninitialized_buffer("c2") def _init_thermostat(self, simulator: Simulator): """ Initialize the GLE thermostat by reading in the the required matrices and setting up the initial random thermostat momenta and the mass factor. Args: simulator (schnetpack.simulator.Simulator): Main simulator class containing information on the time step, system, etc. """ # Generate main matrices self.c1, self.c2 = self._init_gle_matrices(simulator) # Get particle masses self.thermostat_factor = torch.sqrt(simulator.system.masses)[..., None] # Get initial thermostat momenta self.thermostat_momenta = self._init_thermostat_momenta(simulator) def _init_gle_matrices(self, simulator: Simulator): """ Read all GLE matrices from a file and check, whether they have the right dimensions. Args: simulator (schnetpack.simulator.Simulator): Main simulator class containing information on the time step, system, etc. """ a_matrix, c_matrix = load_gle_matrices(self.gle_file) if a_matrix is None: raise ThermostatError( "Error reading GLE matrices from {:s}".format(self.gle_file) ) elif a_matrix.shape[0] > 1: raise ThermostatError( "More than one A matrix found. Could be PIGLET input." ) else: # Remove leading dimension (for normal modes) a_matrix = a_matrix.squeeze() c1, c2 = self._init_single_gle_matrix(a_matrix, c_matrix, simulator) return c1, c2 def _init_single_gle_matrix( self, a_matrix: np.array, c_matrix: np.array, simulator: Simulator ): """ Based on the matrices found in the GLE file, initialize the GLE matrices required for a simulation with the thermostat. See [#stochastic_thermostats1]_ for more detail. The dimensions of all matrices are: degrees_of_freedom x degrees_of_freedom, where degrees_of_freedom are the degrees of freedom of the extended system. Args: a_matrix (np.array): Raw matrices containing friction friction acting on system (drift matrix). c_matrix (np.array): Raw matrices modulating the intensity of the random force (diffusion matrix). simulator (schnetpack.simulator.Simulator): Main simulator class containing information on the time step, system, etc. Returns: torch.Tensor: Drift matrix for simulation. torch.Tensor: Diffusion matrix initialized for simulation. References ---------- .. [#stochastic_thermostats1]_Ceriotti, Parrinello, Markland, Manolopoulos: Efficient stochastic thermostatting of path integral molecular dynamics. The Journal of Chemical Physics, 133 (12), 124104. 2010. """ if c_matrix is None: c_matrix = ( np.eye(a_matrix.shape[-1]) * self.temperature_bath.cpu().numpy() * spk_units.kB ) # Check if normal GLE or GLE for ring polymers is needed: if simulator.integrator.ring_polymer:"RingPolymer integrator detected, initializing C accordingly.") c_matrix *= simulator.system.n_replicas else: c_matrix = c_matrix.squeeze()"C matrix for GLE loaded, provided temperature will be ignored.") # A does not need to be transposed, else c2 is imaginary c1 = linalg.expm(-0.5 * simulator.integrator.time_step * a_matrix) # c2 is symmetric c2 = linalg.sqrtm(c_matrix -,, c1.T))) # To myself: original expression is c1 = exp(-dt/2 * a.T) # the C1 here is c1.T, since exp(-dt/2*a.T).T = exp(-dt/2*a) # The formula for c2 is c2 = sqrtm(1-c1.T*c1) # In our case, this becomes sqrtm(1-C1*C1.T) # For the propagation we have the original expression c1*p, where # p is a column vector (ndegrees x something) # In our case P is (something x ndegrees), hence p.T # The propagation then becomes P*C1 = p.T*c1.T = (c1*p).T # c2 is symmetric by construction, hence C2=c2 c1 = torch.from_numpy(c1).to(simulator.device, simulator.dtype) c2 = torch.from_numpy(c2).to(simulator.device, simulator.dtype) return c1, c2 def _init_thermostat_momenta(self, simulator: Simulator): """ Initialize the thermostat momenta tensor based on the system specifications. This tensor is then updated during the GLE dynamics. Args: simulator (schnetpack.simulator.Simulator): Main simulator class containing information on the time step, system, etc. Returns: torch.Tensor: Initialized random momenta of the extended system with the dimension: n_replicas x n_molecules x n_atoms x 3 x degrees_of_freedom """ degrees_of_freedom = self.c1.shape[-1] if self.free_particle_limit: initial_momenta = torch.randn( *simulator.system.momenta.shape, degrees_of_freedom, device=simulator.device, dtype=simulator.dtype, ) initial_momenta = torch.matmul(initial_momenta, self.c2) else: initial_momenta = torch.zeros( *simulator.system.momenta.shape, degrees_of_freedom, device=simulator.device, dtype=simulator.dtype, ) return initial_momenta def _apply_thermostat(self, simulator): """ Perform the update of the system momenta according to the GLE thermostat. Args: simulator (schnetpack.simulator.Simulator): Main simulator class containing information on the time step, system, etc. """ # Generate random noise thermostat_noise = torch.randn_like(self.thermostat_momenta) # Get current momenta momenta = simulator.system.momenta # Set current momenta self.thermostat_momenta[:, :, :, 0] = momenta # Apply thermostat self.thermostat_momenta = ( torch.matmul(self.thermostat_momenta, self.c1) + torch.matmul(thermostat_noise, self.c2) * self.thermostat_factor ) # Extract and set momenta simulator.system.momenta = self.thermostat_momenta[:, :, :, 0]