Integrators are used to propagate the simulated system in time. SchNetPack
provides two basic types of integrators. The Velocity Verlet integrator is a standard
integrator for a purely classical simulations of the nuclei. The ring polymer molecular dynamics
integrator simulates multiple replicas of the system coupled by harmonic springs and recovers
a certain extent of nuclear quantum effects (e.g. tunneling).
import torch
import torch.nn as nn
import numpy as np
import schnetpack as spk
from schnetpack.md import System
from schnetpack.md.simulation_hooks import BarostatHook
from ase import units as ase_units
from schnetpack import units as spk_units
__all__ = ["VelocityVerlet", "RingPolymer", "NPTVelocityVerlet", "NPTRingPolymer"]
[docs]class Integrator(nn.Module):
Basic integrator class template. Uses the typical scheme of propagating
system momenta in two half steps and system positions in one main step.
The half steps are defined by default and only the _main_step function
needs to be specified. Uses atomic time units internally.
If required, the torch graphs generated by this routine can be detached
every step via the detach flag.
time_step (float): Integration time step in femto seconds.
ring_polymer = False
pressure_control = False
def __init__(self, time_step: float):
super(Integrator, self).__init__()
# Convert fs to internal time units.
self.time_step = time_step * spk.units.convert_units(
ase_units.fs, spk_units.time
def main_step(self, system: System):
Main integration step wrapper routine to make a default detach
behavior possible. Calls upon _main_step to perform the actual
propagation of the system.
system (schnetpack.md.System): System class containing all molecules and their
def half_step(self, system: System):
Half steps propagating the system momenta according to:
p = p + \frac{1}{2} F \delta t
system (schnetpack.md.System): System class containing all molecules and their
system.momenta = system.momenta + 0.5 * system.forces * self.time_step
def _main_step(self, system: System):
Main integration step to be implemented in derived routines.
system (schnetpack.md.System): System class containing all molecules and their
raise NotImplementedError
[docs]class VelocityVerlet(Integrator):
Standard velocity Verlet integrator for non ring-polymer simulations.
time_step (float): Integration time step in femto seconds.
ring_polymer = False
pressure_control = False
def __init__(self, time_step: float):
super(VelocityVerlet, self).__init__(time_step)
def _main_step(self, system: System):
Propagate the positions of the system according to:
q = q + \frac{p}{m} \delta t
system (schnetpack.md.System): System class containing all molecules and their
system.positions = (
system.positions + self.time_step * system.momenta / system.masses
[docs]class RingPolymer(Integrator):
Integrator for ring polymer molecular dynamics, as e.g. described in
During the main step, ring polymer positions and momenta are transformed
from bead to normal mode representation, propagated deterministically and
then transformed back. Needs the number of beads and the ring polymer
temperature in order to initialize the propagator matrix. The integrator
reverts to standard velocity Verlet integration if only one bead is used.
Uses atomic units of time internally.
time_step (float): Time step in femto seconds.
n_beads (int): Number of beads in the ring polymer.
temperature (float): Ring polymer temperature in Kelvin.
.. [#rpmd1] Ceriotti, Parrinello, Markland, Manolopoulos:
Efficient stochastic thermostatting of path integral molecular dynamics.
The Journal of Chemical Physics, 133, 124105. 2010.
ring_polymer = True
pressure_control = False
def __init__(self, time_step: float, n_beads: int, temperature: float):
super(RingPolymer, self).__init__(time_step)
self.n_beads = n_beads
# Compute the ring polymer frequency
self.omega = spk_units.kB * n_beads * temperature / spk_units.hbar
# Initialize the propagator matrices and normal mode frequencies
omega_normal, propagator = self._init_propagator()
self.register_buffer("omega_normal", omega_normal)
self.register_buffer("propagator", propagator)
def _init_propagator(self):
Computes the ring polymer normal mode frequencies and constructs propagator in normal mode representation
as for example given in [#rpmd2]_.
torch.Tensor: ring polymer frequencies in normal mode representation
torch.Tensor: Propagator with the dimension n_beads x 2 x 2,
where the last two dimensions mix the systems
momenta and positions in normal mode representation.
.. [#rpmd2] Ceriotti, Parrinello, Markland, Manolopoulos:
Efficient stochastic thermostatting of path integral molecular
The Journal of Chemical Physics, 133, 124105. 2010.
# Set up omega_normal, the ring polymer frequencies in normal mode
omega_normal = (
* self.omega
* torch.sin(torch.arange(self.n_beads).float() * np.pi / self.n_beads)
# Compute basic terms
omega_dt = omega_normal * self.time_step
cos_dt = torch.cos(omega_dt)
sin_dt = torch.sin(omega_dt)
# Initialize the propagator
propagator = torch.zeros(self.n_beads, 2, 2)
# Define the propagator elements, the central normal mode is treated
# special
propagator[:, 0, 0] = cos_dt
propagator[:, 1, 1] = cos_dt
propagator[:, 0, 1] = -sin_dt * omega_normal
propagator[1:, 1, 0] = sin_dt[1:] / omega_normal[1:]
# Centroid normal mode is special as reverts to standard velocity
# Verlet for one bead.
propagator[0, 1, 0] = self.time_step
# Expand dimensions to avoid broadcasting in main_step
propagator = propagator[..., None, None]
return omega_normal, propagator
def _main_step(self, system: System):
Main propagation step for ring polymer dynamics. First transforms
positions and momenta to their normal mode representations,
then applies the propagator defined above (mixing momenta and
positions accordingly) and performs a backtransformation to the bead
momenta and positions afterwards, which are used to update the
current system state.
system (schnetpack.md.System): System class containing all molecules and their
# Transform to normal mode representation
positions_normal = system.positions_normal
momenta_normal = system.momenta_normal
# Propagate ring polymer
system.momenta_normal = (
self.propagator[:, 0, 0] * momenta_normal
+ self.propagator[:, 0, 1] * positions_normal * system.masses
system.positions_normal = (
self.propagator[:, 1, 0] * momenta_normal / system.masses
+ self.propagator[:, 1, 1] * positions_normal
[docs]class NPTVelocityVerlet(VelocityVerlet):
Verlet integrator for constant pressure dynamics (NPT). Since barostats modify the position update,
a routine defined in the respectve barostat class is called every main step.
time_step (float): Integration time step in femto seconds.
barostat (schnetpack.md.simulation_hooks.BarostatHook): Barostat used for constant pressure dynamics.
ring_polymer = False
pressure_control = True
def __init__(self, time_step: float, barostat: BarostatHook):
super(NPTVelocityVerlet, self).__init__(time_step)
self.barostat = barostat
def half_step(self, system: System):
Half steps propagating the system and barostat momenta.
system (object): System class containing all molecules and their
def _main_step(self, system: System):
Main integrator step, where the barostat routine is used to propagate the system positions and cells.
[docs]class NPTRingPolymer(RingPolymer):
Ring polymer integrator for constant pressure dynamics (NPT). Here, the barostat modifies the main and the
half steps.
time_step (float): Time step in femto seconds.
n_beads (int): Number of beads in the ring polymer.
temperature (float): Ring polymer temperature in Kelvin.
barostat (schnetpack.md.simulation_hooks.BarostatHook): Barostat used for constant pressure dynamics.
ring_polymer = True
pressure_control = True
def __init__(
self, time_step: float, n_beads: int, temperature: float, barostat: BarostatHook
super(NPTRingPolymer, self).__init__(time_step, n_beads, temperature)
self.barostat = barostat
def half_step(self, system: System):
Half steps propagating the system and barostat momenta.
system (object): System class containing all molecules and their
def _main_step(self, system: System):
Perform the main update using the barostat routine.
system (object): System class containing all molecules and their