Source code for atomistic.response

from typing import Dict, Optional, List, Tuple

import torch
import torch.nn as nn

from torch.autograd import grad

from schnetpack.nn.utils import derivative_from_molecular, derivative_from_atomic
import as properties

__all__ = ["Forces", "Strain", "Response"]

class ResponseException(Exception):

[docs]class Forces(nn.Module): """ Predicts forces and stress as response of the energy prediction w.r.t. the atom positions and strain. """ def __init__( self, calc_forces: bool = True, calc_stress: bool = False, energy_key: str =, force_key: str = properties.forces, stress_key: str = properties.stress, ): """ Args: calc_forces: If True, calculate atomic forces. calc_stress: If True, calculate the stress tensor. energy_key: Key of the energy in results. force_key: Key of the forces in results. stress_key: Key of the stress in results. """ super(Forces, self).__init__() self.calc_forces = calc_forces self.calc_stress = calc_stress self.energy_key = energy_key self.force_key = force_key self.stress_key = stress_key self.model_outputs = [] if calc_forces: self.model_outputs.append(force_key) if calc_stress: self.model_outputs.append(stress_key) self.required_derivatives = [] if self.calc_forces: self.required_derivatives.append(properties.R) if self.calc_stress: self.required_derivatives.append(properties.strain) def forward(self, inputs: Dict[str, torch.Tensor]) -> Dict[str, torch.Tensor]: Epred = inputs[self.energy_key] go: List[Optional[torch.Tensor]] = [torch.ones_like(Epred)] grads = grad( [Epred], [inputs[prop] for prop in self.required_derivatives], grad_outputs=go,, ) if self.calc_forces: dEdR = grads[0] # TorchScript needs Tensor instead of Optional[Tensor] if dEdR is None: dEdR = torch.zeros_like(inputs[properties.R]) inputs[self.force_key] = -dEdR if self.calc_stress: stress = grads[-1] # TorchScript needs Tensor instead of Optional[Tensor] if stress is None: stress = torch.zeros_like(inputs[properties.cell]) cell = inputs[properties.cell] volume = torch.sum( cell[:, 0, :] * torch.cross(cell[:, 1, :], cell[:, 2, :], dim=1), dim=1, keepdim=True, )[:, :, None] inputs[self.stress_key] = stress / volume return inputs
class Response(nn.Module): implemented_properties = [ properties.forces, properties.stress, properties.hessian, properties.dipole_moment, properties.polarizability, properties.dipole_derivatives, properties.partial_charges, properties.polarizability_derivatives, properties.shielding, properties.nuclear_spin_coupling, ] def __init__( self, energy_key: str, response_properties: List[str], map_properties: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = None, ): """ Compute different response properties by taking derivatives of an energy model. See [#field1]_ for details. Args: energy_key (str): key indicating the energy property used for response calculations. response_properties (list(str)): List of requested response properties. map_properties (dict(str,str)): Dictionary for mapping property names. The keys are the names as computed by the response layer (default ``), the values the new names. References: ----------- .. [#field1] Gastegger, Schütt, Müller: Machine learning of solvent effects on molecular spectra and reactions. Chemical Science, 12(34), 11473-11483. 2021. """ super(Response, self).__init__() for prop in response_properties: if prop not in self.implemented_properties: raise NotImplementedError( "Property {:s} not implemented in response layer.".format(prop) ) self.energy_key = energy_key self.response_properties = response_properties if map_properties is None: self.map_properties = {} else: self.map_properties = map_properties for prop in self.response_properties: if prop not in self.map_properties: self.map_properties[prop] = prop self.model_outputs = list(self.map_properties.keys()) # Set up instructions for computing response properties and derivatives ( basic_derivatives, required_derivatives, derivative_instructions, graph_required, ) = self._construct_properties() # Basic and required can not be merged self.basic_derivatives = basic_derivatives self.required_derivatives = required_derivatives self.derivative_instructions = derivative_instructions self.graph_required = graph_required # Check whether basic graph is enough or higher level derivatives are necessary self.basic_graph_required = len(self.basic_derivatives) != len( [p for p in self.derivative_instructions if self.derivative_instructions[p]] ) def forward(self, inputs: Dict[str, torch.Tensor]) -> Dict[str, torch.Tensor]: energy = inputs[self.energy_key] # Compute base level derivatives go: List[Optional[torch.Tensor]] = [torch.ones_like(energy)] basic_derivatives = grad( [energy], [inputs[prop] for prop in self.basic_derivatives.values()], grad_outputs=go, create_graph=(self.basic_graph_required or, retain_graph=(self.basic_graph_required or, ) # Convert to dictionary basic_derivatives = dict(zip(self.basic_derivatives.keys(), basic_derivatives)) results = {} # ================================ # dE / dR # ================================ if self.derivative_instructions["dEdR"]: # basic distance derivatives if properties.forces in self.response_properties: results[properties.forces] = -basic_derivatives["dEdR"] if self.derivative_instructions["d2EdR2"]: d2EdR2 = derivative_from_atomic( basic_derivatives["dEdR"], inputs[properties.R], inputs[properties.n_atoms], create_graph=(self.graph_required["d2EdR2"] or, retain_graph=True, ) results[properties.hessian] = d2EdR2 # ================================ # dE / ds # ================================ if self.derivative_instructions["dEds"]: stress = basic_derivatives["dEds"] # TorchScript needs Tensor instead of Optional[Tensor] if stress is None: stress = torch.zeros_like(inputs[properties.cell]) cell = inputs[properties.cell] volume = torch.sum( cell[:, 0, :] * torch.cross(cell[:, 1, :], cell[:, 2, :], dim=1), dim=1, keepdim=True, )[:, :, None] results[properties.stress] = stress / volume # ================================ # dE / dF # ================================ if self.derivative_instructions["dEdF"]: dEdF = basic_derivatives["dEdF"] results[properties.dipole_moment] = -basic_derivatives["dEdF"] if self.derivative_instructions["d2EdFdR"]: d2EdFdR = derivative_from_molecular( -dEdF, inputs[properties.R], create_graph=(self.graph_required["d2EdFdR"] or, retain_graph=True, ) results[properties.dipole_derivatives] = d2EdFdR # Compute partial charges if requested if properties.partial_charges in self.response_properties: results[properties.partial_charges] = ( torch.einsum("bii->b", d2EdFdR) / 3.0 ) if self.derivative_instructions["d2EdF2"]: d2EdF2 = derivative_from_molecular( -dEdF, inputs[properties.electric_field], create_graph=(self.graph_required["d2EdF2"] or, retain_graph=True, ) results[properties.polarizability] = d2EdF2 if self.derivative_instructions["d3EdF2dR"]: d3EdF2dR = derivative_from_molecular( d2EdF2, inputs[properties.R], create_graph=(self.graph_required["d3EdF2dR"] or, retain_graph=True, ) results[properties.polarizability_derivatives] = d3EdF2dR # ================================ # dE / dB # ================================ if self.derivative_instructions["dEdB"]: dEdB = basic_derivatives["dEdB"] results["dEdB"] = dEdB if self.derivative_instructions["d2EdBdI"]: d2EdBdI = derivative_from_molecular( dEdB, inputs[properties.nuclear_magnetic_moments], create_graph=(self.graph_required["d2EdBdI"] or, retain_graph=True, ) results[properties.shielding] = d2EdBdI # ================================ # dE / dI # ================================ if self.derivative_instructions["dEdI"]: dEdI = basic_derivatives["dEdI"] results["dEdI"] = dEdI if self.derivative_instructions["d2EdI2"]: d2EdI2 = derivative_from_atomic( dEdI, inputs[properties.nuclear_magnetic_moments], inputs[properties.n_atoms], create_graph=(self.graph_required["d2EdI2"] or, retain_graph=True, ) results[properties.nuclear_spin_coupling] = d2EdI2 for prop in self.map_properties: inputs[self.map_properties[prop]] = results[prop] return inputs def _construct_properties( self, ) -> Tuple[Dict[str, str], List[str], Dict[str, bool], Dict[str, bool]]: """ Routine for automatically determining the computational settings of the response layer based on the requested response properties. Based on the requested response properties, determine: - which derivatives need to be computed - which properties need to be enabled for gradient computation - for which derivatives does a graph need to be constructed Returns: - dictionary of basic derivatives - list of variables which need gradients - dictionary of derivative instructions - dictionary of required graphs """ derivative_instructions = { "dEdR": False, "d2EdR2": False, "dEdF": False, "d2EdFdR": False, "d2EdF2": False, "d3EdF2dR": False, "dEdB": False, "dEdI": False, "d2EdBdI": False, "d2EdI2": False, "dEds": False, } graph_required = { "dEdR": False, "d2EdR2": False, "dEdF": False, "d2EdFdR": False, "d2EdF2": False, "d3EdF2dR": False, "dEdB": False, "dEdI": False, "d2EdBdI": False, "d2EdI2": False, "dEds": False, } required_derivatives = set() basic_derivatives = dict() # position derivatives if (properties.forces in self.response_properties) or ( properties.hessian in self.response_properties ): derivative_instructions["dEdR"] = True required_derivatives.add(properties.R) basic_derivatives["dEdR"] = properties.R if properties.hessian in self.response_properties: graph_required["dEdR"] = True derivative_instructions["d2EdR2"] = True # strain derivatives if properties.stress in self.response_properties: derivative_instructions["dEds"] = True required_derivatives.add(properties.strain) basic_derivatives["dEds"] = properties.strain # electric field derivatives if ( (properties.dipole_moment in self.response_properties) or (properties.polarizability in self.response_properties) or (properties.dipole_derivatives in self.response_properties) or (properties.polarizability_derivatives in self.response_properties) or (properties.partial_charges in self.response_properties) ): derivative_instructions["dEdF"] = True required_derivatives.add(properties.electric_field) basic_derivatives["dEdF"] = properties.electric_field if (properties.dipole_derivatives in self.response_properties) or ( properties.partial_charges in self.response_properties ): graph_required["dEdF"] = True derivative_instructions["d2EdFdR"] = True required_derivatives.add(properties.R) if (properties.polarizability in self.response_properties) or ( properties.polarizability_derivatives in self.response_properties ): graph_required["dEdF"] = True derivative_instructions["d2EdF2"] = True if properties.polarizability_derivatives in self.response_properties: graph_required["d2EdF2"] = True derivative_instructions["d3EdF2dR"] = True required_derivatives.add(properties.R) # magnetic moment derivatives if properties.nuclear_spin_coupling in self.response_properties: # First derivative required_derivatives.add(properties.nuclear_magnetic_moments) basic_derivatives["dEdI"] = properties.nuclear_magnetic_moments derivative_instructions["dEdI"] = True # Second derivative for couplings graph_required["dEdI"] = True derivative_instructions["d2EdI2"] = True # magnetic field derivatives if properties.shielding in self.response_properties: # First derivative required_derivatives.add(properties.magnetic_field) basic_derivatives["dEdB"] = properties.magnetic_field derivative_instructions["dEdB"] = True # Second derivative for shielding required_derivatives.add(properties.nuclear_magnetic_moments) graph_required["dEdB"] = True derivative_instructions["d2EdBdI"] = True # Convert back to list required_derivatives = list(required_derivatives) return ( basic_derivatives, required_derivatives, derivative_instructions, graph_required, ) class Strain(nn.Module): """ This is required to calculate the stress as a response property. Adds strain-dependence to relative atomic positions Rij and (optionally) to absolute positions and unit cell. """ def forward(self, inputs: Dict[str, torch.Tensor]): strain = torch.zeros_like(inputs[properties.cell]) strain.requires_grad_() inputs[properties.strain] = strain strain = strain.transpose(1, 2) # strain cell inputs[properties.cell] = inputs[properties.cell] + torch.matmul( inputs[properties.cell], strain ) # strain positions idx_m = inputs[properties.idx_m] strain_i = strain[idx_m] inputs[properties.R] = inputs[properties.R] + torch.matmul( inputs[properties.R][:, None, :], strain_i ).squeeze(1) idx_i = inputs[properties.idx_i] strain_ij = strain_i[idx_i] inputs[properties.offsets] = inputs[properties.offsets] + torch.matmul( inputs[properties.offsets][:, None, :], strain_ij ).squeeze(1) return inputs